Daughters of the American Colonists
Kansas City, Missouri
Mary Ball Washington Chapter
Daughters of the American Colonists
100th Chapter Anniversary
November 20, 2021 John Knox Village, Lee's Summit, MO.
L to R: Judy Kane-Historian, Lue Lamb-Chaplain, Megan Potts-State Regent, Julie Ferguson-Chapter Regent,
Regina Krause-Parliamentarian and Past Chapter Regent, Gina Dixon-2nd Vice Regent
Megan Potts, MSSDAC State Regent
Honorary attendees left to right:
Mary Lynn Tolle, Honorary DAR Past President
Anne Keller, Missouri DAC Honorary State Regent, St. Louis Chapter
Joanna Dale, Missouri DAC Honorary State Regent, Osage Chapter
Table left to right:
Margo Aldridge, 1st Vice Regent
Carolyn Mitchell, prospective member
Winnie Case, member
Carol Headley, Past Chapter Regent
Table left to right:
Judy Shafe, Treasurer
Lavone Anglen, Recording Secretary
Barbara Roderman-member
Deanna Wishon-member
Mary Ball Washington Chapter was formed on November 21, 1921
Meetings are held the 3rd Saturday in the months of Sep, Nov, Feb, May
at Jumpin' Catfish Restaurant
834 SW Blue Parkway
Lee's Summit, MO. 64063
For more information about the Chapter contact:
Regent- Gina Dixon 660-663-9781
Visit Missouri State Society
Daughters of the American Colonists Visit National Society DAC website